The New GSIS Newsletter for Fall, 2022 has been posted and can be found here.
Yearly Archives: 2022
Recording of GSIS webinar from Sept. 21, 2022
The recording of the September 21, 2022 webinar is now available. This 1-hour webinar featured presentations by Anita Marshall about the International Association for Geoscience Diversity and Keith Van Cleave about the U.S. Geological Survey Library.
2022 “Geoscience Librarianship 101” Webinar
Registration is now open for “Geoscience Librarianship 101” (GL101) – a free webinar on November 1-2 that introduces new librarians and library/information science students to some of the core areas of geoscience librarianship. GL101 is presented annually by members of the Geoscience Information Society and also provides experienced librarians a refresher overview, offering a chanceContinue reading “2022 “Geoscience Librarianship 101” Webinar”
GSIS activities at the Geological Society of America meeting in Denver
The GSIS on-site events will take place on Sunday (10/9/22) and Monday (10/10/22). Sunday activities will include a field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science followed by a tour of the recently renovated Auraria Library and no-host dinner. Monday will be devoted to exploring the GSA Annual Meeting offerings. On Monday afternoon,Continue reading “GSIS activities at the Geological Society of America meeting in Denver”
GSIS Webinar scheduled for September 21, 2022
There will be a GSIS webinar on Wednesday, September 21 from 1-2 p.m. (eastern). 1 -1:30 p.m. Anita Marshall will provide an overview of the goals and activities of the International Association for Geoscience Diversity ( 1:30 – 2 p.m. Keith Van Cleave will provide an overview and update on the U.S. Geological Survey Library.
Summer 2022 GSIS Newsletter
The New GSIS Newsletter for Summer, 2022 has been posted and can be found here.
GSIS webinar on GeoScienceWorld and the National Geologic Map Database
The recording of the June 2022 GSIS webinar is available here. This webinar featured the GeoScienceWorld database and the National Geologic Map Database.
GSIS webinar on AGI/GeoRef and attending GSA
The recording of the GSIS webinar held May 18, 2022, featuring Sharon Tahirkheli and Lisa Dunn who discussed AGI resources such as GeoRef and benefits gained from attending GSA, respectively, is now available here: The next GSIS webinar is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, June 21 at 1:15 EDT. Speakers will be Christy Iredell on GeoScienceWorldContinue reading “GSIS webinar on AGI/GeoRef and attending GSA”
April/May 2022 GSIS Newsletter available
The April/May 2022 issue of the GSIS Newsletter is available here.
Author index to Proceedings volumes
An author index to the Proceedings of the Geoscience Information Society is now linked from the Proceedings page. If you find any errors, please let me know.