2024 Call for Nominations: Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award

Nominations are being sought for the 2024 Geoscience Information Society (GSIS)  Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award. The submission deadline is August 23, 2024. 

Established in 2005 to recognize and honor significant contributions to the geoscience information profession, the award is named for the late Mary B. Ansari. She formerly served as the society’s President and was employed as a librarian and library administrator at the University of Nevada, Reno Libraries for twenty-five years. The award is presented at the annual meeting and is accompanied by a monetary gift. More information about the award and a list of awardees is listed on the Society’s website: https://geoinfo.org/distinguished-service/

 To submit a nomination, send your name and contact information as the nominator along with the name, title, and contact information for the person you are nominating to: Clara P.  McLeod,     Earth & Planetary Sciences &Environmental Studies Librarian / University Libraries | Washington University in St. Louis |cpmcleod@wustl.edu  /314.935.4817.

Nominators should provide a written statement indicating why the candidate is deserving of this award (significance, quality and impact of contributions) and include a resume or curriculum vita of the nominee.  Please also solicit two additional letters of support for your nominee, if possible.

 Membership in the Geoscience Information Society is not a requirement for the award or the nominator.

GSIS Mary B. Ansari Award Committee
Clara P. McLeod, Chair
Marie Dvorak
Cynthia Prosser
Robert Tolliver

Upcoming Webinar March 19th 1 pm Eastern!