Here you’ll learn what GSIS is all about – our mission & values, leadership, committees, foundational documents, awards, and, you will be able to access the membership directory here.
GSIS Mission & Values
The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge and collaboration by creating a dynamic platform for information exchange across geoscience disciplines. Our mission is to bridge communication gaps between diverse professionals – including scientists, librarians, cartographers, educators, and information specialists – through innovative sharing of research, data, and scholarly resources. We value intellectual openness, interdisciplinary cooperation, technological innovation, and the critical role of comprehensive information management in driving geoscientific understanding and discovery.
The GSIS has several leadership positions which are vital to the society’s continued operations.
Executive Board
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Archivist
- Geonet Moderator
- GSIS Newsletter Editor(s)
- Geoscience Librarianship 101 Chair
- Webmaster
The GSIS has several committees for members to get involved in. Participating in any committee is greatly appreciated and your work directly benefits the members and other information professionals and librarians.
Publicity & Social Media
Publicize GSIS activities via website and other venues. Document GSIS activities via photographs. Encourage member interaction via social activities.
Review/revise brochure; solicit new members; contact members who have not renewed and welcome back members who renewed late. Lead initiatives to attract international members.
Nominate candidates for elective offices; Prepare, mail, and count ballots and report results.
Identify new guidebooks, maintain and promulgate Guidelines for Editors document, and select winners of the two Best Guidebook awards and Outstanding Geologic Field Trip Guidebook Series awards.
Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award
Select the winner of the Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award.
Best Paper Award
Determine winner of Best Paper Award.
Mary B. Ansari Best Research Resource Award
Determine the winner of the Mary B. Ansari Best Research Resource Award.
Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, & Wiki
The Geoscience Information Society was established on March 3 , 1966. The Bylaws were adopted on August 1, 1993 and amended on September 25, 2016.
The GSIS Wiki mostly contains documents and templates for Leadership and Committees. However, any member can gain access by contacting the Wiki manager.
Explore the various GSIS awards: Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award, Best Paper Award, Mary B. Ansari Best Research Resource Award, and Best Guidebook(s)