GSIS committees that are largely responsible for the Society’s many activities. If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the GSIS President.
Publicity & Social Media
Publicize GSIS activities via website and other venues. Document GSIS activities via photographs. Encourage member interaction via social activities.
Dwight Hunter
Review/revise brochure; solicit new members; contact members who have not renewed and welcome back members who renewed late. Lead initiatives to attract international members.
Clara McLeod
Nominate candidates for elective offices; Prepare, mail, and count ballots and report results.
Robert Tolliver
Distinguished Service
Select the winner of the Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award.
Clara McLeod
Best Paper
Determine winner of Best Paper Award.
Best Research Resource
Determine the winner of the Mary B. Ansari Best Research Resource Award.
Chrissy Klenke
Identify new guidebooks, maintain and promulgate Guidelines for Editors document, and select winners of the two Best Guidebook awards and Outstanding Geologic Field Trip Guidebook Series awards.
The Geologic Guidebooks of North America database is maintained by the American Geosciences Institute’s GeoRef Information Services in cooperation with GSIS. GSIS compiled all print editions of Union List of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks of North America, on which it is based. This database is an excellent tool for identifying geologic field trip guidebooks issued by societies, universities, geological surveys, etc., especially those related to North America.
Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Publishers of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks, revised 2018, is available for download in PDF format.
Kristen Adams