Announcing the 2020 GSIS Best Paper Award Recipient

The committee is very pleased to announce that Dr. Jason W. Karl is the winner of the 2020 Best Paper Award of the Geoscience Information Society for his paper, “Mining Location Information from Life- and Earth-Sciences Studies to Facilitate Knowledge Discovery,” published in Journal of Librarianship & Information Science 51 (4): 1007-21. doi:10.1177/0961000618759413.

Jason’s well-written paper reports the promising results of his project to research and develop automated methods to determine and retrieve accurate location data in map-based resources. He states in the abstract, “The ability to automatically identify and extract location information from published studies opens new possiblities for transforming scientific literature discovery and supporting novel research.”

Jason is Associate Professor & Harold F. Heady Endowed Chair of Rangeland Ecology at the University of Idaho. He is also Editor in Chief of Rangelands, a publication of the Society for Range Management.

A big thanks goes to Bob Tolliver, Caitlin McClurg, Chris Badurek, Elise Gowan, Hannah Collier, Carl Olson, and Monica Pereira for their exemplary service on the Best Paper Committee.

Kay Johnson
Chair, 2020 GSIS Best Paper Committee

Note: The 2019 award was not offered, so the 2020 award covers papers from 2018 and 2019.

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