Upcoming webinar: Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP): Empowering Collaborations that Make Data More FAIR

The Geoscience Information Society will host a webinar on June 7 from 2:00 – 3:00 (eastern time). Please join us for a presentation by Megan Carter and Karl Benedict on “Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP): Empowering Collaborations that Make Data More FAIR” followed by time for Q & A. We hope to see you there!Continue reading “Upcoming webinar: Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP): Empowering Collaborations that Make Data More FAIR”

Nominations Sought for 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award

Nominees are being sought for the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes and honors significant contributions to the geoscience information profession. The award is named after Mary Ansari, a former GSIS President and strong supporter of the Society, and will be presented at the GSIS Annual MeetingContinue reading “Nominations Sought for 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award”

Emily Wild Honored for Distinguished Service

The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is pleased to announce that Emily C. Wild, the Chemistry, Geosciences and Environmental Studies Librarian at Lewis Science Library, Princeton University is the recipient of the 2022 GSIS Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award. As noted by colleague Lori Tschirhart, Emily’s “career spans over twenty years as both hydrologist andContinue reading “Emily Wild Honored for Distinguished Service”