Call for Nominations for GSIS Best Paper Award 2019/2020

The Best Paper Award Committee of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is accepting nominations for the 2019/2020 Best Paper Award.  The committee is looking for original, significant and scholarly papers published in 2018 or 2019 in the field of geoscience information.  The papers must demonstrate effective professional communication and appeal to the broader geoscience information community. 

Please send nominations by June 19, 2020 to the chair of the committee, Kay Johnson, at  The nomination should include a detailed citation, and, if available, a link to the paper.  For a list of previous award recipients, see:

You know the best geoscience information papers out there, and we welcome your suggestions!

I am pleased and privilged to serve on the committee with Hannah Collier, Chris Badurek, Elise Gowen, Caitlin McClurg, Carl Olson, Monica Pereria and Bob Tolliver.

Kay G. Johnson
Head, Collection and Technical Services
McConnell Library, Radford University