2024 Call for Nominations: Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award

Nominations are being sought for the 2024 Geoscience Information Society (GSIS)  Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award. The submission deadline is August 23, 2024.  Established in 2005 to recognize and honor significant contributions to the geoscience information profession, the award is named for the late Mary B. Ansari. She formerly served as the society’s President and was employed asContinue reading “2024 Call for Nominations: Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award”

Nominations Sought for 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award

Nominees are being sought for the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes and honors significant contributions to the geoscience information profession. The award is named after Mary Ansari, a former GSIS President and strong supporter of the Society, and will be presented at the GSIS Annual MeetingContinue reading “Nominations Sought for 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award”

Best Paper Award – request for nominations

The Best Paper Award Committee of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is accepting nominations for the 2023 Best Paper Award through Wednesday, June 21, 2023. The committee is looking for original, significant and scholarly papers published in 2022 OR 2023 in the field of geoscience information. The papers must demonstrate effective professional communication and appealContinue reading “Best Paper Award – request for nominations”

Nominate a favorite research resource for Ansari award

As the 2022-2023 academic year winds down, I ask you to reflect on some of the research resources you’ve used throughout the year. Which ones were your favorite/use all the time?  If there’s one or a few, nominate them for the GSIS Best Research Resource Award. Mary B. Ansari Best Geoscience Research Resource Award  TheContinue reading “Nominate a favorite research resource for Ansari award”

Nominations sought for Guidebook awards

The Guidebooks Committee of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is accepting nominations for the 2023 Best Guidebook Award(s) and Outstanding Geologic Field Trip Guidebook Series award. Geologic field trip guidebooks from any region that were produced from 2021-2023 can be considered for the award, which is awarded in the fall at the annual meeting ofContinue reading “Nominations sought for Guidebook awards”

Emily Wild Honored for Distinguished Service

The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is pleased to announce that Emily C. Wild, the Chemistry, Geosciences and Environmental Studies Librarian at Lewis Science Library, Princeton University is the recipient of the 2022 GSIS Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award. As noted by colleague Lori Tschirhart, Emily’s “career spans over twenty years as both hydrologist andContinue reading “Emily Wild Honored for Distinguished Service”

Matt Hudson Named GSIS 2021 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award Recipient

Matt Hudson, director of publications, communications, and marketing at the Entomological Society of America (ESA) and former publications and communications manager at the Geological Society of America (GSA), is the recipient of the 2021 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award from the Geoscience Information Society.  This award honors information professionals for making a significant contribution toContinue reading “Matt Hudson Named GSIS 2021 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award Recipient”

Nomination Call: The Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award

The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) seeks nominations for the 2021 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award.  The submission deadline is September 3, 2021. This award was established in 2005 to recognize and honor significant contributions to the geoscience information profession.  Named for Mary B. Ansari, a former GSIS President and strong supporter of the Society, the award is presented atContinue reading “Nomination Call: The Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award”