GSIS 2024 Survey

The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) Membership Committee is excited to invite both members and non-members to participate in a new survey designed to shape the future of our community. Your input is crucial in helping us understand your needs and preferences, ensuring that GSIS remains a place where connections, knowledge, and opportunities flourish. The surveyContinue reading “GSIS 2024 Survey”

GSIS Newsletter issue 301 (Spring)

The new issue of the GSIS Newsletter was just published and is available here. The digital GSIS Newsletter is published quarterly in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall by the Geoscience Information Society. GSIS members are encouraged to contribute content, including images and photos, for publication. Highlights from this edition include: Regular ColumnsGSIS Committee Mid Year ReportsBookContinue reading “GSIS Newsletter issue 301 (Spring)”

Webinar on preserving scientific data

GSIS member Amanda Bielskas is one of the presenters at this upcoming webinar, sponsored by the ACRL’s Science and Technology Section’s Data Curation & Assessment Committee: Making Analog Data Accessible: Preserving data of scientific and cultural importance at two institutions Date and Time: Thursday April 18, 2024,  2 Eastern, 1 Central, 12 Mountain, 11 Pacific ACRL STSContinue reading “Webinar on preserving scientific data”

The Winter issue of the GSIS Newsletter is now available

The Winter issue of the GSIS Newsletter is now available on the GSIS website here. Highlights from this issue include: Many of our regular columns and updates An article on The Beaut of Collaboration A book review and some new publication highlights 20 years of GeoScienceWorld …and more! Thanks as always to everyone that contributedContinue reading “The Winter issue of the GSIS Newsletter is now available”

Topical session on GeoRef database and Sharon Tahirkheli

Please join us on Thursday, November 16 at 11:30 AM (Eastern Time) for a topical session on the GeoRef database organized by the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) in celebration of the distinguished career of Sharon N. Tahirkheli.   Sharon recently retired from the American Geosciences Institute, after four decades of leadership of GeoRef and allied informationContinue reading “Topical session on GeoRef database and Sharon Tahirkheli”

GSIS Newsletter issue 299

The new issue of the GSIS Newsletter was just published and is available here. The digital GSIS Newsletter is published quarterly in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall by the Geoscience Information Society. GSIS members are encouraged to contribute content, including images and photos, for publication. Highlights from this edition include: Regular ColumnsThe schedule of GSIS MeetingContinue reading “GSIS Newsletter issue 299”