The committee is very pleased to announce that Dr. Jason W. Karl is the winner of the 2020 Best Paper Award of the Geoscience Information Society for his paper, “Mining Location Information from Life- and Earth-Sciences Studies to Facilitate Knowledge Discovery,” published in Journal of Librarianship & Information Science 51 (4): 1007-21. doi:10.1177/0961000618759413. Jason’s well-writtenContinue reading “Announcing the 2020 GSIS Best Paper Award Recipient”
Category Archives: News
June 2020 Newsletter
The June newsletter is available here and in the newsletter archive.
Call for Nominations – The GSIS Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award
Purpose: The GSIS Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award recognizes and honor significant contributions to the geoscience information profession. History: Named for Mary B. Ansari, a former GSIS President and strong supporter of the Society, the first award was given in 2005. A list of previous recipients can be viewed at the GSIS website ( reading “Call for Nominations – The GSIS Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award”
COVID-19 Impact Study
Participate in the Geoscience COVID-19 study to help our community better understand how geoscientists, employers and educational institutions are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The American Geosciences Institute is conducting a year-long study to understand the impacts on geoscientists, employers and educational institutions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to discover which of theseContinue reading “COVID-19 Impact Study”
Call for Nominations for GSIS Best Paper Award 2019/2020
The Best Paper Award Committee of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is accepting nominations for the 2019/2020 Best Paper Award. The committee is looking for original, significant and scholarly papers published in 2018 or 2019 in the field of geoscience information. The papers must demonstrate effective professional communication and appeal to the broader geoscience informationContinue reading “Call for Nominations for GSIS Best Paper Award 2019/2020”
In Memoriam: Dr. Julie Hallmark (1938 – 2020)
“Dr. Hallmark will be remembered by former students, alumni, and colleagues for her keen intellect, bountiful enthusiasm, and a charming generosity of spirit that attracted many to the library profession.”
March 2020 Newsletter
The March newsletter is available here and in the newsletter archive.
December 2019 Newsletter
Is now available from the Newsletter Archive page.
Welcome to GSIS
The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) facilitates the exchange of information in the geosciences through cooperation among scientists, librarians, editors, cartographers, educators, and information professionals.