Geoscience Librarianship 101 & Annual Meeting

The Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) hopes you’ll join us for this year’s Geoscience Librarianship 101 and Annual Meeting, October 22-24.  All events will be held virtually.

Geoscience Librarianship 101

Please Register Here for Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) Geoscience Librarianship 101: a free annual seminar that offers library science students, new librarians and experienced practitioners an introduction to some of the core areas of geoscience librarianship. This event will take place Tuesday, October 22 – Wednesday, October 23.


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024, 3:00-6:00 pm (EST)

3:00 pm Welcome 

3:15 – 4:00 pm Collection Development in the Geosciences

4:00 – 4:30 pm Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility in a Geoscience Library

4:30 – 4:45 pm Break 

4:45 – 5:15 pm Navigating the Nelson Memo in Geoscience Research 

5:15 – 6:00 pm Networking with Presenters and Attendees

5:15 – 6:00 pm Mini-Poster Discussion 

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024  3:00 – 6:00 pm (EST)

3:00 pm Welcome 

3:15 – 4:00 pm Swing and a Miss(Information): Navigating Through the AI Hype

4:00 – 4:30 pm Information Resources for Geoscience Researchers in the 21st Century: Within and Beyond the Library 

4:30 pm – 4:45 pm Break 

4:45 pm – 5:15 pm Exploring GIS: An Overview of Spatial Data, Tools and Resources 

5:15 – 5:25pm Mini-Poster Discussion – Geology in the Movies

5:15 – 6:00pm Networking with Presenters and Attendees

GSIS Annual Meeting
The GSIS Virtual Annual Meeting will follow on Thursday, October 24, 2024 and will be free of charge. Registration is not required. This is an opportunity for geoscience information professionals to meet with their peers and share challenges, ideas, and discussions about the topics relevant to them as a professional, honor the best information resources in the geoscience field, and to become involved in shaping GSIS’s future. To join the meeting virtually, click here.

Thursday, October 24, 2004 11:30 am-5:00 pm (EST)
11:30-12:45 pm:  GSIS Professional Issues Forum
Planned Topics: 
Geoscience Collection Development
Pedagogy and Instruction for the Geoscience Librarian
Outreach Programming for Geoscience Libraries
AI Uses, Challenges, and Concerns in Geoscience Librarianship
Strengthening Relationships with Geoscience Faculty 
Supporting the Preservation of Geoscience Specimen Collections and Datasets
1:00-2:00 pm: GSIS Award Presentations
2:00-5:00 pm:  GSIS Business Meeting

Upcoming Webinar March 19th 1 pm Eastern!