Nominations Sought for 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award

Nominees are being sought for the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award. The award recognizes and honors significant contributions to the geoscience information profession. The award is named after Mary Ansari, a former GSIS President and strong supporter of the Society, and will be presented at the GSIS Annual Meeting Meeting A monetary gift .accompanies this award.

Membership in GSIS is not a requirement to receive the award.  More information about the award and a list of previous award recipients is available at:

The deadline for nominations is July 17, 2023.  Please send nomination materials listed below by email ( or regular mail to Clara P. McLeod, Washington University, MSC 1061- 141-B 1 Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130:

·         Your name and contact information

·         Name, title, and contact information for the person you are nominating

·         Resume or curriculum vita of the nominee

·         Statement indicating why the nominee is deserving of this award

·         Additional letters of support from other individuals endorsing the nomination

Please help us honor one of your colleagues with the 2023 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award!

Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award Committee:

Clara P. McLeod (Chair), Marie Dvorak, Cynthia Prosser, and Robert Tolliver

Surprise! The GSIS website has a new look, we hope you like it!