Annual Meeting

GSIS meets each year, usually in conjunction with the Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting held in October.

A typical program includes a presentation of technical papers, poster sessions, a business meeting, a luncheon, workshops, and a field trip. Additional annual meeting activities include an exhibit booth, presentation of awards, and a members’ reception.

Information and program schedules of GSIS meetings:

2024 online

The GSIS Virtual Annual Meeting will follow on Thursday, October 24, 2024 and will be free of charge. Registration is not required. This is an opportunity for geoscience information professionals to meet with their peers and share challenges, ideas, and discussions about the topics relevant to them as a professional, honor the best information resources in the geoscience field, and to become involved in shaping GSIS’s future. To join the meeting virtually, click here.
Thursday, October 24, 2004 11:30 am-5:00 pm (EST)
11:30-12:45 pm:  GSIS Professional Issues Forum
Planned Topics: 
Geoscience Collection Development
Pedagogy and Instruction for the Geoscience Librarian
Outreach Programming for Geoscience Libraries
AI Uses, Challenges, and Concerns in Geoscience Librarianship
Strengthening Relationships with Geoscience Faculty 
Supporting the Preservation of Geoscience Specimen Collections and Datasets
1:00-2:00 pm: GSIS Award Presentations
2:00-5:00 pm:  GSIS Business Meeting

2021 Portland
2020 online
2019 Phoenix
2018 Indianapolis
2017 Seattle
2016 Denver
2015 Baltimore
2014 Vancouver
2013 Denver
2012 Charlotte
2011 Minneapolis
2010 Denver
2009 Portland, OR
2008 Houston
2007 Denver
2006 Philadelphia
2005 Salt Lake City
2004 Denver
2003 Seattle
2002 Denver
2001 Boston
2000 Reno
1999 Denver
1998 Toronto
1997 Salt Lake City
1996 Denver
1995 New Orleans
1994 Seattle
1993 Boston
1992 Cincinnati
1991 San Diego
1990 Dallas
1989 St.Louis
1988 Denver
1987 Phoenix
1986 San Antonio
1985 Orlando
1984 Reno
1983 Indianapolis
1982 New Orleans
1981 Cincinatti
1980 Atlanta
1979 San Diego
1978 Toronto
1977 Seattle
1976 Denver
1975 Salt Lake City
1974 Miami Beach
1973 Dallas
1972 Minneapolis
1971 Washington, DC
1970 Milwaukee
1969 Atlantic City
1968 Mexico City
1967 New Orleans
1966 San Francisco

Upcoming Webinar March 19th 1 pm Eastern!