Geonet Email List


Join Geonet Email List

GSIS maintains the Geonet e-mail list to facilitate communication among GSIS members and other librarians. You do not be a GSIS member to subscribe.

Subscribe, options, posting:
New subscribers can send an e-mail to with “subscribe geonet” (without quotes) in the body of the message. This will send a notification e-mail to the list owner for approval.

To post to GEONET, e-mail

GEONET List Website. Join or leave GEONET; set options; log in/get password.

If you are having any issues, please contact the Geonet Moderator.

Copyright and interlibrary loan guidelines:
The GSIS supports copyright law and interlibrary loan guidelines and urges all of its members to do likewise. Subscribers may use the listserv to inquire about availability of an item, so that institutional Interlibrary Loan (ILL) departments may request them.

Soliciting the full text of items to be delivered outside of ILL is not allowed.

If requesting the location of a document, please use the following suggestions for the subject line:
Needed – [type of material] (e.g., Needed – journal article, Needed – conference paper, Needed – technical report)

You may also search the Geonet Archives:

Upcoming Webinar March 19th 1 pm Eastern!