
Here is a list of all of our recent webinars. Check back for new webinars!

March 19, 2025

Please join us for a presentation by Emily Wild titled Understanding budget cuts: a personal experience from a former federal scientist and federal librarian” 

This webinar will explore cuts to jobs, including how are jobs funded and eliminated, what typically happens to data and publications when programs and agencies are eliminated, and tricks to finding and archiving geosciences data and publications in this changing climate. 

Emily C. Wild is the Chemistry, Geosciences and Environmental Studies Librarian in the Princeton University Library. Before joining Princeton she was the Librarian (Physical Scientist) at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (more about Emily here: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6157-7629)

June 7, 2023

This webinar featured a presentation by Megan Carter and Karl Benedict from the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP). Slides are available here. Recording of the webinar is available here.

September 21, 2022

This webinar featured presentations by Anita Marshall about the International Association for Geoscience Diversity and Keith Van Cleave about the U.S. Geological Survey Library.

June 21, 2022

The next GSIS webinar is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, June 21 at 1:15 EDT. Speakers will be Christy Iredell on GeoScienceWorld and Dave Soller on the National Geologic Map Database.

May 18, 2022

Sharon Tahirkheli and Lisa Dunn spoke about AGI resources such as GeoRef and benefits gained from attending GSA, respectively. The recording is available here. Sharon’s slides are also available here.

Upcoming Webinar March 19th 1 pm Eastern!