Best Paper Award


The Best Paper Award has been presented annually since 1986, given to the best paper published in the field of geoscience information during the previous year.

The Best Paper Award Committee of the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS) is accepting nominations for the Best Paper Award. The committee is looking for original, significant and scholarly papers published in the field of geoscience information. The papers must demonstrate effective professional communication and appeal to the broader geoscience information community.

Send nominations to the chair of the committee. The nomination should include a detailed citation, and, if available, a link to the paper.



Ma, X., Ralph, J., Zhang, J., Que, X., Prabhu, A., Morrison, S.M. et al. (2024) OpenMindat: Open and FAIR mineralogy data from the Mindat database. Geoscience Data Journal, 11, 94–104. Available from:


Alison Jolley, Katherine Ryker, Karen M. Kortz & Eric M. Riggs, The impact of COVID-19 on publishing and reviewing in the Journal of Geoscience Education community, Journal of Geoscience Education, v.71 (2), 2023.


Jason W. Karl. “Mining Location Information from Life and Earth-Sciences Studies to Facilitate Knowledge Discovery,” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 51 (4): 1007-21, 2019.


Samantha Teplitzky. “Open data, [open] access: linking data sharing and article sharing in the Earth Sciences,” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, v. 5(1), eP2150, 2017.


Birgit Schmidt, Birgit Gemeinholzer, and Andrew Treloar. ” Open data in global environmental research: The Belmont Forum’s open data survey, PLOS ONE, v. 11, 2016.


Leslie Hsu, Raleigh L. Martin, Brandon McElroy, Kimberly Litwin-Miller, and Wonsuck Kim. “Data management, sharing, and reuse in experimental geomorphology: Challenges, strategies, and scientific opportunities, Geomorphology, v. 244, 2015.


Jeremy Kenyon and Nancy Sprague. “Trends in the use of supplementary materials in environmental science journals, Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, v. 75, 2014.


Shaun J. Hardy. “Open Access Publishing in the Geosciences: Case Study of the Deep Carbon Observatory,” GSIS Proceedings, v. 43, 2012, p. 73-81.


Adonna Fleming, Leslie M. Delserone, and Elaine Nowick. “The Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska: Gray Literature (1891-2010),” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information, v. 13, 2012, p. 213-239.


Lisa Johnston and Harvey Thorleifson. “Open Access Geology: Using the Institutional Repository to Host State Geological Survey Publications,” GSIS Proceedings, v. 41, 2010, p. 15-22.


Jody B. Foote. “State Geological Survey Libraries: A Disparity in Resources, Services, Access, and Professionalism,” Science & Technology Libraries, 29: (1/2), 2010, p. 53-68.


Linda R. Musser. “Progress in the Citation of Geoscience Data,” GSIS Proceedings, v. 39, 2010, p. 55-58.


Lage, K. (2009). Zoom! Remote sensing imagery in the geosciencesProceedings – Geoscience Information Society38, 21–29.


Lura Joseph. “Comparison of Retrieval Performance of Eleven Online Indexes Containing Information Related to Quaternary Research, an Interdisciplinary Science,” Reference & User Services Quarterly, v. 47, no. 1, p. 56-75, 2007.


Lura Joseph. “Image and figure quality: A study of Elsevier’s Earth and Planetary Sciences electronic journal back file package” Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, v. 30, no. 3, 2006, p.162-168.


Cathy A. Manduca, Ellen R. Iverson, Sean Fox, and Flora McMartin.”Influencing User Behavior through Digital Library Design: An Example from the Geosciences” D-Lib Magazine, v. 11:5, May 2005.


Michael Noga.”Conference Proceedings in Geoscience Journals: What’s the Use?” GSIS Proceedings, v. 34, 2004, p. 19-39.


Linda R. Musser. “What Geoscientists Cite – A Comparative Survey.” GSIS Proceedings, v. 33, 2003, p. 5-10.

Lisa Nickum. “Federal Government Information in the 21st Century – Public Access Issues.” GSIS Proceedings, v. 33, 2003, p. 35-44.


Charlotte R.M. Derksen. “USGS Publications: Current Access via the Web and via Catalogs.” GSIS Proceedings, v.32, 2002, p. 107-116.


Kristi L. Jensen. “Providing Access to Online Government Documents in an Academic Research Library Collection: A Case Study in the Geosciences.” Science and Technology Libraries, v. 20, no. 2/3, 2001, p.15-25.


Patricia B. Yocum and Gretchen S. Almy. “Information Literacy in the Geosciences: Report of a Practical Inquiry” GSIS Proceedings, v.30, 1999, p. 15-22.


Lisa A. Wishard and Linda R. Musser. “Preservation Strategies for Geoscience Literature: New Technologies for an Old Literature.” Library Resources & Technical Services, vol. 43, no. 3, 1999,p. 131-139.


Barbara P. Buttenfield. “Looking Forward: Geographic Information Services and Libraries in the Future.” Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, 1998, p. 161 – 171.


Lisa Wishard. “Where in the World? Finding Meteorological and Climatological Data.” GSIS Proceedings, vol. 27, 1996, p. 63-77 (under her former name, Lisa A. Recupero).

Melissa Lamont. “Managing Geospatial Data and Services.” Journal Of Academic Librarianship, vol. 23, no. 6, 1997, p. 469-473.


Linda L. Hill. “Stocking the Digital Library with Georeferenced Data.” GSIS Proceedings, v.26, 1995, p. 11-17.


Richard D. Walker and Myeonghee Lee Ahn. “The Literature Cited by Water Resources Researchers.” GSIS Proceedings, v. 25, 1994, p. 67-77.


Susan Klimley. “Limitations of Science Citation Index Data in Evaluating Journals and Scientists in Geology.” GSIS Proceedings, v.24, 1993, p.23-31.


Connie S. Wick. “Image-Related Aspects of Preserving High-Use Geoscience Literature by Deacidification.” GSIS Proceedings, v. 23, 1992, p.5-9.


Charlotte R. M. Derksen and Michael Noga. “The World of Geoscience Serials: Comparative Use Patterns.” GSIS Proceedings, v.22, 1991, p.15-62.


Nancy Butkovich. “Discussion of the Use of Foreign Language Sources in Geological Journals.” GSIS Proceedings, v.21, 1990, p.99-107.


Barbara Haner. “Guidebook Citation Patterns in the Geologic Journal Literature: a Comparison between 1985 and 1967.” GSIS Proceedings, v.20, 1989, p. 159-169.


Julie Bichteler and Dederick Ward, “Information-seeking Behavior of Geoscientists.” Special Libraries, v.80, 1989, p.169-178.


Rosalind Walcott, “Geoscience Dissertations for the Future: A Case Study from the United States.” GSIS Proceedings, v.18, 1989, p.59-66.


Julia Triplehorn. “Geologic Information on Alaska.” GSIS Proceedings, v.17, 1987, p.96-113


Julie Bichteler. “Expert Systems for Geoscience Information Processing.” in Shelley, E.P., editor, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Geoscience Information: Australia Mineral Foundation, 1987, v.2, p.179-191.


Susan Klimley. “Saving Geology Libraries – What’s Available?” GSIS Proceedings, v.15, p.51-58

Upcoming Webinar March 19th 1 pm Eastern!